Digital Marketing Tip Of The Day - Repurpose & Promote Content For More Reach & ROI

· Content Marketing

Do you create content for your business? This could be anything from blog posts to videos to social media posts.

If you aren't creating content (that solves a problem, answers a question, or entertains/delights) then you should start doing so ASAP.

But I want to go one step further than this. I want to talk specifically about repurposing content.

Too often I see business owners slave away behind the keyboard coming up with a blog post or new article, only to post that to their site and take no further action.

Sure, this is better than doing nothing - but you are leaving a huge amount of potential on the table by not actively promoting and repurposing your content.

Let's take the humble blog post, here are a few simple steps you could take to supercharge the value of it (in terms of reach, SEO benefit, branding & more).

These are in no particular order - apart from the first two - I just want to get you into the habit of thinking about how much juice you can squeeze out of one content idea.

1) Ensure you share the link to all your social media profiles. Tell the world about your new piece of content.

2) Email out to your mailing list (you do have one of these, right? If not, you should be building one as a priority).

3) Look at options for syndicating that content to other platforms, such as:

- LinkedIn articles

4) Jump in front of the camera and turn the key points of your post into a video. Upload it to YouTube. Embed it in your blog post.

5) Turn the audio from that video into a Podcast. You can use a tool like to achieve this or just do it manually. I'm going to talk more about in a future post as it is one of the BEST tools I've ever seen (message me if you want more details now).

6) Take the key points from your blog post, turn it into a slideshow, and upload to slideshow sharing sites like Slideshare

7) Submit to social bookmarking sites like Reddit (NB you need to be careful with these if your content is too promotional - you will get chewed up and spat out if you take the wrong approach).

8) Look for opportunities to promote your content in niche or location relevant Facebook groups. For example, I'm a member of a couple of groups that have regular days where members can post their latest blogs.

To be honest, I'm only just scratching the surface here. But hopefully this gives you a few ideas for how you can take a single content idea and turn it into something that gets in front of more people, that gives you more links, that gives you the opportunity to rank your brand multiple times through the power of "parasite pages" (I'll talk more about this soon as well).

Not repurposing and promoting your content is a bit like buying a drink, taking the first sip, and then throwing the bottle in the bin.

Let me know your questions and comments below. I'll do my best to help.

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